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Radiologists are the doctors who specialize in the field of Radiology where they work for the diagnostic and treatment purposes by the help of imaging techniques, for instance, x-rays, MRI, CT SCAN, and many more. Basically in this field, diagnostic of the disease by the help of radioactive substances and after this is done and the type of disease is known, the doctors usually go for its treatment and as science has progressed to such a high level, the treatments are now possibly done with the help of different rays. All of this is included in the field of Radiology and done by a Radiologist.

Radiology is a very sensitive field because it is the basic and the first step toward knowing what disease a person has and so even the slightest of mistake can prove really dangerous or even fatal. Now, there are some treatments which are also done with the rays and so this field is becoming more and more sensitive.

In a country such as Pakistan, there is lack of Radiologists. Not only the patients but the training students have to suffer a lot for this reason too. The Radiology department is so vital that all of the surgical interventions and treatments also require the accurate results of tests or the radiological investigations which are carried out. So, in all cases, the modern care concept of all the patients is dependent directly or sometimes indirectly upon this department. And though it holds so much importance, the country lacks the qualified and experienced doctors which is alarming. Many big hospitals and many big clinics have unexperienced staff and the only one to suffer in all this carelessness and ignorance is the patient. Moreover, in many big hospitals, many vacancies are available under this department or field.

We have the best Radiology department in Lahore. All the credit to that goes to our staff which are highly qualified and experienced. Their skills and day and night hard work accounts in making our department the best one. We are well aware with the importance that the radiology department holds and so, we make no compromises. We work our best to provide you with the best. We have all the essential diagnostic equipment which are all new and efficiently working. Even the assistants that we have at our clinic are given proper training and chosen for the place after that.
We provide you with the best 3D/4D ultrasound with the most accurate results. The 3D/4D ultrasound is really helpful in pregnancies because you can see the babies skins rather than seeing the insides of the baby. It gives a result clearer than the 2D scan which is really blurry and unclear. We have the machinery for that and different doctors or radiologists deal with each different type. We also have Color Doppler Ultrasound in which reflected sound waves are basically used in the evaluation of blood. The result is given in the form of images just like the standard ultrasound.
We promise you all the satisfaction that you wish for, right at our clinic.